“Okies ladies and gents, first off let me congratulate you for having found yourself in the small circle of weirdos who show a sort of uncanny interest in my musical/lyrical imagery.

So… this is the well-thought out, pre-composed and absolutely not freely written welcoming speech.

You can pop the champagne cork – it can’t get any better than this. Will get helluva worse, though – because you have entered a kingdom of improvised and innovative puns, accidental funniness, purely unintentional serious gibberish and Love spreading. Grammar mistakes and other animals might pop up once in a while, but bear with me – life – as in existence – as in everything – as in GRAMMAR, TOO – is a wörk in progress – so don’t hold it against me if I surprise you with my innovative use of wörds.

I am pretty new to all this blog madness, so I thought I should start the same way every other blogger does. :) by writing words.

Having an attention span of an eight year old blind husky – things like leaps in time and prose will be frequent. Nothing to be afraid though. These leaps are only temporary and giant and …for mankind.

Love and Love-spreading. That’s where it’s at. Ain’t nothing but the L thang, baby. Amore. Liebe. And in other languages, too. Love Love Love. In all directions. In the air , through the nasal cavity, down to the lungs, to and through the heart like a sharp knife and then coughed out into the open again. The delight. The joy of it. The sweet taste of it when it accidentally misses your nostrils and knocks out a few of your teeth and leaves you there bewildered and wondering and wanting more. Ah. The scent of it. The awesomeness of it. Makes a grown man cry and a child giggle like one of those rubber ducks. Yes. Love. Recurring theme of the absurdcus. Recurring theme of life.

That’s about all the wörds I can handle for today I guess – so as to make you feel at home I shall put up other mediums you can delect your eyes and ears in.”

look ->


The above text was written in 2007 for my first blog, I thought it would be the perfect opening of my website 13 years later. Welcome!